Friday, April 22, 2011


This is my final resume. I find it very interesting on how to make your resume stand out by creating and desing it with InDesign. Altought i have a hard time figuring out the program i really enjoy the process. This would help me design better resumes in the future. I add my logo design on my resume to make it stand out and tell the employer that I know how to use the programs.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Cross- section of Fruit

for this sketch i use colors to add details and depth to the fruit. I really enjoy this sketch and my use of color was really good. I would like to keep exploring with colors and make really interesting sketches in the future.

Room Corner

This is a room corner of my hall and one of my best sketches. I took my time developing my sketch and make look cretive at the same time keeping the natural elements in the room.  My shading was really good and it make the whole sketch comes to life. I really enjoy this sketch and looking forward to sketch more of this kind.