Thursday, March 3, 2011


This Pattern design was one of the project that I enjoy because it was easy to design and kind of fun. I definely think i could done a better job and I believe there is plenty of room for improvement. I think I would choosen different colors and maybe a more complex pattern.

Textile Pattern

This is my final textile Pattern. I decide to combine the skull Mexican dancer with a mayan calendar to show a representation of the Mexican culture. I decide to use dark and light colors to make a contrast and make the dancer pop out and the background fade. this was one the most difficult task for me because I never work with InDesign and Illustrator before, it took me a long time to figure out the program but I learned a lot after I finished. This is one of those programs that are hard to learn but once u learned they could be a lot of fun. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

chair View

For this sketch a used a chair as my object. The process required me to draw from different perspective and to use toning techniques to make it pop out of the paper. This was a difficult sketch cause this was my first time i draw an object and it was hard figuring out the line and angles of the chair. But it help me get a sense on how to do a better skect in the future.


This is a floor plan sketch of my dorm. This sketch was fun and it gave me a sense of the use of different material to draw a site plan.  It also gave a opportunity to explore and figure out the real size to scale of the furniture around the dorm to make appeal more realistic. I definely need to work on future plan sketches and make them better.