Monday, May 2, 2011

Sketch Book Cover

This is my final cover for my sketch book that in some way resamble my desing concepts so what a better way to explore this with bright colors and nice letterings.  I wanted to keep the front as simple as possible but give it a little twist with a big and bright desing on the back and it turn out great Im very proud of it.


This skecth of trees branches and definely not my best skech. I believe i could have spend more time on this and make more relaistic instead of the fake tree look. this is oen of my weakness and something that i need to work on for improvement.

Kitchen Still alive

This sketch turn out good. the use of color is not the best and there's not shading. I would work on future sketches keeping in mind the use of better colors and shading in the future.

Ligh Box

the idea for this project was to focus on light, shadow, and patterns as a unit that work with a box. I design a simple pattern that reflected a complex shadow but cast light in a very nice way. the semy curvy line give a sense of optical illusion and a sense of and moving box.


This is my bench project. The idea was to find an object and create a bench base on the elements and characteristics of the found object. I use semicircle and stright lines to create my bench. It took many study models and several sketches to get to the final model. I also need it to take into consideration the FDA requirements and the require measurement for a bench.

Point Line

This project was a difficult and hard for me. It did not make a lot of sense but after talkin got professors I figure it out. The idea was to use a four lines and a point, centered, fixed, etc. this was good project.
